Thursday, 28 June 2007


I got bored of not blogging, so I'm back. . . even if it is just Chris that reads this.
Atleast it can keep a record of what I've been doing, as I tend to forget instantly.
So a quick catch up sinse Sunday:
Monday: I don't remember
Tuesday: I made a video.
Wednesday: I had work- possibly the most awful day of work ever. It seemed that all of the most obnoxious people in world decided to get angry at me, and they weren't very nice and made me feel very small and sad. I didn't like them at all.
But, they have no friends because they're so mean, so it's their loss :o)

Today, I've made muffins (blueberry- they were yummmy!!) I also walked down to le post office, and went into the bakery too for a pasty and a custard slice. . . and a chocolate eclaire of course tehe :oD
I came home, and I cleaned a lot(shock) but I did! I swept the kitchen floor, hoovered the dining room and did the dishes! Woo
I'm currently trying to clean my room and failing, woo.
OOh and Jon has got a new job!! It sound incredible! He gets a home office almost, he gets a laptop, free broadband, a scanner/fax/printer/photocopier, i forgot what else. Oh and in a year he gets a company car, but until then they pay for milage etc etc.
So me and Tom went to the shop and got him some drink. Woo
so yay for Jon woohoo!!
Oh and, not very interesting, but it was for me anyway. In my honesty box on facebook someone left a comment saying 'i think your amazing and i wish to ask you out for dinner' and I don't know who it is!! All I know is that it's a boy. I'm quite excited, it could be. . . Ewan McGreggor!! Except he's married and has kids, so I doubt that very much. Ok so maybe that would entirely impossible.
So yeah, that's my day today, there's rumours of a film going on downstairs, rain man I think. Although I'm not sure wheat the dealio is.
Ah well.
I've had some buck fizz and am feeling quite fuzzy, tehe.
Bye for now

Sunday, 24 June 2007


How come no one comments on my blog?
I think I should demand proof that people actually read this, or else I should stop my silly ramblings :o)

Hip hip hop and a hip hop hurray!

Good evening all!
I am currently bored and munching on haribo, so thought I'd blog about my wonderous day :o)
Today I broke a world record!
It was for the most people on space hoppers! woo
727 of us in total!!
I also watched them break the world record for the biggest custard pie fight too.
So all in all a very exciting day!!

But now, I'm bored. . . as usual! I desperately want to go on holidays. I'm not too sure why. I'm just so incredibly bored and need to be in a new place and explore and lay on a beach somewhere maybe. I just really want to go away, especially to France. But I was thinking. . . what I could do is if I stole the noo-meister for a few days, then I could drive up north and maybe go to Scotland. I could just pack up a tent and the little gas cooker and some bare essentials and just go!!
It would be exciting, because I really want to go to Scotland before I die and what if i die in the next week?!! Then I'd have never been! That would be extremely sad.
SO in conclusion. I'd like to go to France or Scotland. SO I'm going to pester my mother to pester the CSA people to pester my dad. and hopefully we should be getting the money he owes us! So if he does, that's £1000 for moi! Which I'm sure would be sufficient funds for a week in Scotland, or France, or Italy, or Prague, or Norway. . . I just want to go somewhere different :o(

I think if I can't I may just go for a couple of nights down the gower and get Tasha and Vixy-doodles to come too. That could be just as fun right?. . .

SO, moving on or else I'll get sad because I'm not somewhere wonderous.
Today is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday.
Tomorrow I plan to do . . . I don't know really. My mother is off work for the first time in about a million years, so she wants to do something for the day, so that's a possibility. No idea where to go though. Although. . . speaking of the gower, I could suggest that we just go for a drive down the gower with le dogs, let them go crazy on a beach while we stroll along with some ice cream and drive back :o) Could be festive.
Ok now I'm literally just typing my trail of thought. SO welcome to me head, this is what happens, a lot of ramblings :o)

SO yeah, that's tomorrow planned. Tonight, I need to clean my room DESPERATELY!! It's filthy :o)

Oh oh oh and today I decided what I want to do with my life.
I want to be a behaviourist manager for Battersea dogs and cats home.
Or for another organisation similar to them :o)
Eitherway. . . behaviourist is the way forward!!! Wooo
Or I'd like to run a zoo, but i researched into that. Seeing as I'd have to start as a zoo keeper (which start on 11k and only reach a maximum of 21K!) that would barely pay off my student loans :o(
I'm not sure how much the zoo director would be on though.
But behaviourist does sound fantastic :o)

big day today. Broke a world record. Decided my life's plan. I'm going to visit the PDSA tomorrow and ask them if they'd appreciate a volenteer (i.e. MOI!)
That is the plan

Ok, enough about me. . .
How are you?

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Allo :o)

Today is Saturday, which means work. Boohoo.
But it wasn't all that bad.

Last night I went for a meal with Charlotte from work. I didn't know anyone there, but they were all nice, but were all 16/17! And Charlotte tried setting me up with one of them (a 16 year old!!) and told me that there's always the party tonight to 'finish the job'. Eep!!!

But yeah,moving on from that scary tale. It was a lovely night, I had lots and lots of Chinese food and Yum!!
So that was last night. Woo

Tonight it phase 2 of her Birthday bash. There's a huge house party/BBQ in her house, and my boss is going to be there, which should be interesting. Except for the mention of him bothering us all night. Eep! But I told him that we won't be in work, and he won't be my boss so I'm completely free to retaliate even if that does mean a kick. Tehe.

So that should be fun. Lots of free food and drink! Wooo!!
Michaela's going tonight too, with Rudy, and I was asked if I wanted to bring anyone along and had to say no, which made me quite sad, as my wifey is in France at the moment. In veules-les-roses. Which is about an hour away from Dieppe apparently :o).

So yeah. I'm insanely bored right now (hence the blogging) and have just ate some chips and a savloy from the chippy!! Yum! I have another 2 hours before I need to get ready for the partay tonight and I'm out of ideas. I think I may just watch a movie.

oh and apparently people are going to try and offer me jobs tonight! Woo!!
I don't mind leaving the auctions for a cushy little job that pays a bit more, has a lot more hours, and I wouldn't exactly say no to a company car tehe.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Mae'n bwrw glawr!

So, I went on my bike ride thinking it was a great idea.
Then. . . as I crossed the Briton Ferry bridge it began picking with rain. By the time I got past the golf course it was tipping down!! I had to look down because the rain was getting in my eyes and stopping me from being able to see! But it was very fun. I got soaked through completely, I only made it to Visteon and thought that it would be best to turn back as it was thundering! Eep!
I had lots of splashes too from the lorry's driving past, which was very fun. It was like being on that super ride in Thorpe park. . . i forgot it's name, but everytime a lorry drove past it was the same experience!

Excitement, so I came home and put my PJ's back on tehe, and then toasted myself a bagel and had some hot chocolate with marshmallows (ok, so maybe the whole excercising point got cancelled out by my hot chocolate with millions of marshmallows. . . ah well)
So yeah, then I just sat down on the sofa and watched night in the museum, which was quite good. I must obtain a T-rex!!

In other news, I'm supposed to be going to a party tonight, but I have no idea if i'm going. I won't know anyone there, and at the moment have no way of getting home. But I will feel terrible if I don't go. So I think I'll go poke Jon for a while to see if he'd want to pick me up from play tonight, if not I'll have to text Charlotte and tell her I can't make it. Eep
So yeah, that's my day so far. Hope yours is going fantastically.
Bye bye


Aha! I scared you!

Hello. How are you today?
I'm quite bouncy today, I'm not too sure why, I'm very bored and have no money to do anything, and no car to go anywhere. Yet I am still in a bouncy mood! Ah well, I am not complaining!
So moving on, today is quite cold, this may be due to the fact that I am still in my pyjamas, or because I'm in Wales. . . I just don't know, it could be a combination of the both.
I've decided!! (yes Hannah has made a decision. . . shock shock) What have I decided? you may ask, well I'll tel you what I've decided, I've decided to go for an uberly long bike ride today. Why sit around the house being extremely bored, and gaining nothing. When I can go for a nice long bike ride and gain some excecise! So that's the plan Stan!

I'm just going to go and find some jogging bottom type things and then I'm going to get dressed, and grab me a bottle of water and my CD player and go! Woo, I think I'm going to cycle through the Ferry, across the Briton Ferry bridge, and then down fabian way to Swansea. That's all nice and flat it should be easy. If I'm feeling brave enough I may go towards the mumbles too. First I'm going to google earth how far it is to travel...

OK. . . google earth informs me that from my house to the end of fabian way by SA1, it's 6.5 miles.

To the mumbles it's 11 miles. Eep!
Maybe I'll just go to fabian way.

Ok, so there you go, that's my plan for today. Then come home and sleeeeeeeep!

Woo. Well, I'm going to go and find me some jogging bottoms now and see what these dogs are up to.
I shall let you know of my journey's if i do return

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Dydd Iau

Prynhawn dda pawb.

I'm currently sitting in my room trying to push the dogs out of my room. I have chicken and they can smell it!!

So a quick catch up:

I was quite bored all day, although I did make a necklace.
Then I walked to work at around half 2 and worked from 3 until about 10. Work was very boring, I was at the bottom of the rostrum, so just sat there on facebook/msn all evening having paperwork thrown at me every few minutes. Fun!

But we did finish early because Daryl's lasy :o)
Then I came home from work facebooked and went to bed.
The end

Today (Heddiw)
Today I woke up far too early (half 7!) laid in bed for a while, listening to conversations of everyone getting ready for work, then i fell back asleep and woke up at around half 9 and got up!
Had some digestives and cwoffee for brecwast :o) oh and some marshmallows :oD
I took the JM to work at 1, which was fun having to drive up a 30-50% incline up this moosive mountain and it was on a really sharp bend. So, naturally I started rolling backwards. (ok so maybe i forgot that I was in 3rd gear-oopsy)

But i tried it again and i won the battle of the mountain!!
Then I met the wife-face in port tablet for her lunch break. We shopped, we did not drop, but she did buy me some giraffe pants!!
Which are amazing and say wild on them (with lots of pictures of giraffes) I've just realised that I seem to be regressing about 10 years into my giraffe/long-necked dinosaur fascination! Eep.

Ah well. Giraffes are fabidabidosy!
So pshah, vixy went back to work. . . I went to tesco, bought some BBQ chicken which I just ate with some tiger bread mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Now I'm typing this.

Tomorrow I'm going to a birthday party of my boss' grand daughter. Which sounds fun. We're going to go for a limo ride, then a fancy meal and then to a night club in Swansea. I need to plan my outfit! oooo. excitment!
Then saturday I have work, and in the evening have the second half of her birthday bash, which is a big house party. Apparently they've got a barman hired! But I'm taking the car so won't be able to have countless numbers of free cocktails :o(

So yeah, that's my last couple of days and my next few in a nutshell.
Oh and today I'm making mac & cheese for my family, and picking Tom up from work and then my JM. oh and seeing le wife of course.
Ok, I'm going to find a movie to watch before having to leave to pick up Tom.
The end

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Boredom and silliness

So, I've been awake for a grand total of ten minutes.

Already I'm bored, and have realised that I'm in an extremely empty house for the whole day, until I have to go to work at 3.
I am awake far too early and I blame this entirely on Chris' phone for waking me up at 07:15 for the past however many mornings.

In other news I made a complete fool of myself last night/ this morning. I'm not going to go into how I did it. But I have learnt not to jump to conclusions, and that everything is not about me.
A lot of upset over absolutely nothing, so the usual really.

That's about all I have left to say. I'm going to have some brecwast and a reaaaaaaaalllly long bath . . . maybe one that lasts until 3pm! hehe


Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Noswaith dda pawb

I am once again bored: thus have returned to this wonderous world of blogging.
I seem to have disappeared for a long time, so a quick run through of what I've been doing with myself:

  • University finished.
  • I came home on a bus ( a very stressfull journey).
  • I started back work at the auctions.
  • I got bored a lot and facebooked a lot more.
  • I started watching Smallville again.
  • I just got back from 6ish days in merry old Llondon (well. . . West Wickham)
  • Now I am home

There you go! My last few weeks in a nutshell.


London began with a very early and very long coach trip. This was followed by a very scary Victoria station (mainly because i apparently went in te wrong way). After this there was much stress and a train journey. . . followed by a bus journey.

Thursday we didn't do that much, I had the guided tour of West Wickham and went to a park and ate some yummi chilli :o). . . oh and watched taxi.

Friday was the Thorpe park day! (insert excitement here) That was lots of fun. I went 'whooosh' and 'aaaah' and more 'whoosh' then 'ow my head hurts.' That was pretty much thorpe park, in the evening I had some pizza express! Which was absolutely lovely, this reminds me- I need to search for my nearest one!!

Umm. . .Saturday I don't think involved much, I think we strolled around West Wickham, oh and I bought some cream and marshmallows for uber hot choclates! I played guitar hero too. Can't quite remember what else I did, there was a game involved somewhere!

Sunday I went to church with Chris' family and played golf in the afternoon (I almost won. . ) Then church in the evening followed by the nicest chinese I have had :o)

Monday I made a trip into the Llondon! I saw lots and lots. . . photos will be available on facebook as soon as I steal them off Chris! I went on a tuuuuube!! I also saw all of the usual sites, and found a nice view in St. James' park (best park of london by far) What else?. . . OOH! PANGOLIN!

I saw a pangolin! I actually saw 4 pangolins!! They were magical. . . and a bit dead. But still magical!!

Then I went to watch Richard in a play during the evening which was good and rather funny tehe :o) And fell asleep before getting a chance to have more hot chocolate :o(

Today involved a trip to Bromley shopping center, and lots of me going 'oooooooh!' at everything! Then a train back to llondon and then a coach back home. Although the coach home seemed to fly by!

Ah well

So that is my life's recent activities summed up in one blog :o)
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Except boo to work tomorrow! and boo to having to get a job in McDs next week and wooo for my birthday coming up!

The end