Tuesday 27 November 2007

Quick helo

Helo all,
Just a quick one today.
I'm currently sitting in the computer lab on a 10 minutes break I have before my next class...
Here is my day today:
9:00- Biochemistry of Life.
10:00- Planet Earth.
11:10- Genes and Inheritance.
12:10- Tutorial.
2:00-5:00- Biochemistry practical.
5:00- 6:00- Life of Invertebrates revision lecture.
6:50- 10:00- Alpha

The joys of uni :)
Not much happening here... the St.Mikes Christmas ball is less than a week and I am frantically trying to find a dress. I'm going home for the night on the 8th (won't have time to see anyone though- sorri) I will be going to a fancy meal thing for my old work's Christmas party.
I've started my Christmas shopping.
I have lots of work I need to do, and no time to do it in.
The end


Wednesday 7 November 2007

Busy, busy, busy!

Hello all!
I've been awol for the past..forever.
Thought I'd better start this back up again, as the whole point of this was for people to know what i'm up to in Aber, seeing as I'm rubbish at phoning/emailing people!
So hello. Everything's very busy up here.
I have lots of work which I should be doing- but I've just finished my prac write-up, so I'm having a break!
Uni is going well, i'm up on campus a lot more than I was last year, and have a lot more work, but I'm getting used to it slowly!
I'm working in a chip shop - Central fish restaurant, I'm doing about 3 shifts a week there. It's lots of fun and the people are all very nice! Oh and free chips is never a bad thing!
I can't really think of what else I do, but i never seem to stop, argh!

I'm home next on the 7th or 8th of December, and am returning for Christmas around the 15th. I can't wait! woo christmas!!
I'm going to Bala this weekend with the Alpha course, which I'm really excited about! The place we're staying in sounds incredible, and i know it's going to be an awesome weekend!
Right, I've run out of things to type, and I should put some washing on and do some dishes!