Wednesday 28 March 2007

I've found you!

So, I had a little trouble trying to log in again to this thing, But I have now remembered by email address and password. It's google's fault for saying username...when they really mean email address.
Silly heprachauns.
So anyways, this is my second blog (incase you haven't noticed)
Lets see what I have been up to lately... we had a stupid fire alarm last night. Which may be Kelvin's fault (and when I say may be...I meant definately)
So that was fun, being cold outside in PJ's at 3am.
I had a prac yesterday, which was fun...ooooh cell biology! Except the whole thing was just us being taught about microscopes, which wasn't very exciting. But... I did get to play wit liquid nitrogen, which is now officially the best thing ever! Well, atleast on the top...50. It was amazing!
Oh, and today... my day off of the week the weather is pants. What did we get Sunday? Sunshine! Monday? Sunshine! Tuesday? Surprise surprise...sunshine! Today? Hannah's day off, she plans on wearing a skirt and what happens... a white sky! This does not make me a happy bunny at all... hehe.
It just means that now I have to stay in PJ's all day! YAY!
Woo...Easter holiday soon, I'm going to be returning to the land of Briton Ferry on Saturday! Which shall be grand! yay...puppy and Spanish eggs here i come... obviously not together... unless the puppy wants to eat the spanish eggs. But I'm not going to be putting the puppy in the Spanish eggs...ewe... uh... moving on!
I seem to have run out of wonderful things to say. Except ooh I cleaned my room yesterday! We have an inspection tomorrow so today shall be filled with lots of cleaning and such. Oh and also going to the library with Grace, (she wants me to hold her hand...books scare her) hehe
I need a shower now, I smell...bad.

The end

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