Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Aloha ;o)

Hello all,
Just another quickie to say allo.
Not long got in from work- and i am sitting on my bed in PJs after just eaten some food- yum yum.
Exam went ok yesterday- think I'll get through into next year no problems :o)
It was amazing seeing Aber again, and seeing the house again- can't wait to get up there, there's so much I want to do- I'm going to be decorating for the whole 3 weeks i'm on my own. The guys won't recognise it when they get back tehe- ok i kid i kid. They will but it'll look fabulous!
Oh and double excitement- My curtains came today! woo- they're cream with ping flower outlines- bvery pretty, and will look excellent with the chocolate tie backs i plan on making!
Can't wait!
Right, I'm going to go be social and pop downstairs to spend some time with my aunt before she goes home tomorroe morning boohoo.
But woo, as we're (me, JM and Mr. T) are going to me nan's tomorrow in Hereford-ish. Which will by fun- I haven't been there for ages, and we're going to helping out around the land, which is always great fun! No doubt Tom will take lots of photos, tehe.
So I am not going to run away as I need to be in bed fairly soon. Ooh and triple exciement! I may get to drive half of the journey!!
ok ok , i can't see anymore to type because my eye's are being dogey.
Catch you later

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