Tuesday 7 August 2007

Hello wonderful people

Good day!

How are you?
I am ok thank you very much :o)
I am bored once again, so have decided to bother the world with my rubbish banter :oP
So hi, today is Tuesday I think, I am currently waiting for the undergrads to load and it's taking forever.
I have just had food and am very full indeed... i may asplode!!
Today I came home from camping which was very fun :o)
There was a beach! It wa pretty, and there was a tent which was also quite pretty, and rather useful, there was also umm... brecwast!! I had brecwast today :o) It was good...yum and such!
So yeah today I got up, stayed in bed going mmmbed :o)... then got up had a shower, had some brecwast and went for a quick walk to the beach before coming home.
Then I watched 'because I said so' which was quite good, then I watched 'knocked up' which was ok. Then I made food... and ate cake...and then came on here and realised how boring the internet can be!
So hello.
What has the world been up to? Please fill me in!

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