Monday 27 August 2007


Hey guys.

Just a quick one to say that I am still alive.
I have been very busy the past few weeks.
I had my birthday on the 10th which included a BBQ, and then on the 11th i had the girls over for some cake baking and general fun and a film.
It was rather nice. And I've also been revising lots. well ish.
My exam is tomorrow- 2.30 at the sports cage.
So we're leaving at 9.30- 10ish to journey on up to the wonderous world of AberYstwyth! woo
I'm going to show off my house to the mother and Tom, and show them my wonderful room!
Then drive on up to the sports cage to write down a bunch of stuff to do with physics and tick a couple of boxes! Fun times..
Then after showing Tom mecca, and the castle and south beach, it will be off back home once again.
But only another...week and 3 days until I move up permenantly! Craziness.
It's quite sad to think that summer is almost over!
So that would be a quick catch up on the past few weeks and my plans for tomorrow.
I'm currently sitting here in PJs and am about to finish this to have a quick read-through of my notes before retiring to my bed with ovaltine with one marshmallow (there's only one left :o(...)
and Mr. Potter.
So I shall post when I get back tomorrow with good or bad news.
Bye all

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