Wednesday 4 April 2007


How has your day been? Hope it's been a little more busy than mine.
Today... I have been a bum :o)
I woke up quite late, watched friends, had some tea and biscuits. Then had a really long bath, followed by...nothing.
Until! 5, which is when i plopped down to work, and worked!
Woo, i made money today!
I took deposits, took in a few cars. The girls came to see me, I took more deposite, and some more deposits, gave some deposits back, found a few book packs and radiofronts, and hmm oh yeah took some more deposits!
What a fun day.
Now I'm sleepy, althought I have just eaten beans, and cheese, and doritos, with some chilli powder too!
Perdey liked it a lot! hehe
That's all for today.
The end

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