Wednesday 20 June 2007

Boredom and silliness

So, I've been awake for a grand total of ten minutes.

Already I'm bored, and have realised that I'm in an extremely empty house for the whole day, until I have to go to work at 3.
I am awake far too early and I blame this entirely on Chris' phone for waking me up at 07:15 for the past however many mornings.

In other news I made a complete fool of myself last night/ this morning. I'm not going to go into how I did it. But I have learnt not to jump to conclusions, and that everything is not about me.
A lot of upset over absolutely nothing, so the usual really.

That's about all I have left to say. I'm going to have some brecwast and a reaaaaaaaalllly long bath . . . maybe one that lasts until 3pm! hehe


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