Hello Umm, I can't remember when I last blog so I'll just tell you about today. Today is Friday- it has been all day and will be for another hour. I theoretically have done nothing today. But I've been Uuuuberly busy all day! I made brecwast, took the dogs out for a really long walk, I put the washing on and hung it up, did the dishes, made bread, made cookies, did the dishes again... umm then i ironed for about 2 hours. Took Jon and the boys to Swansea, then got home, went to Tesco with the JM, had some food. Then the wife was here and I finished my food, then we made hot chocolate (the real way) and we had marshmallows- which were too big so we had to have the tedious task of trying to break them into pieces... our hands got sticky to say the least. Theeeen... with super dooper hot chocolates (with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles and everything) we sat in the front room and watch pleasantville... It was rather pleasant. Poppy decided it would be comfy to lay on my chest.. she was wrong) So yeah, I am now sat at the pc, a little bored. That's my day in a nut shell ;o)
Tomorrow I have work at 9 (booo) but then straight after work I'm going to go to Swansea to buy a black cardi :o) and maybe a bracelet. And that would be about my whole day ... and weekend... how exciting! woo etc.
Next week... I have absolutely no plans other than to beign revising a lot. I must know physics like tha back of my hand!!
So the end.
How was your day? Your week? and what do you have planned for the following week? Send any answers on a self addressed envelope to PO BOX 1, Hannah's house, Briton Ferry. :o)
I've been gone for a while, I'm not sure why. I haven't been doing much. So hi, how are you? The past week has been fairly uneventful... I don't actually remember much... I know I had work on Wednesday, adn we finished fairly early. That's about it. OoOoOoOoOoOoOoooh, how could I forget!! I went to Eastgate last.. Monday I think. It was wonderful! I saw my room (which is going to be painted cream and chocolate yay) Oh and we're having a new bathroom fitted downstairs, woo. Here is the wardrobe that's in my room! It's soo pretty! I have a matching chest of drawers next to it also :o) It looks like the door to narnia :oD The estate agent people said that I have the best room too! yay! Oh and I have a view of the national library of Wales!! I'm so lucky! :oD Oh and hopefully I'm taking my double bed with me too! I'm sure it'll fit. So yay for that. So other than the wonderfulness of Eastgate, I've not been up to that much. I went to Llanelli on Saturday which was ok, I couldn't find any shoes though. So yeah, that's life... and I can't htink of anymore to say, so I'm going to go back to writing my story :o) Bye bye world xx
Hello, today is Sunday, I haven't really done very much. Vixy decided not to go to church this morning, and it was too late to arrange a lift with Leah so I didn't get to go. I was a little disappointed by that but c'est la vi I guess.
Today has been lasy, I got up rather late, I ate some brecwast. I sketched for a while, I interwebbed. . . I made food. I did the dishes and I watched half of Happy Potter. Then my internet decided to not work. So I had a bit of a drama with that. First, I thought it was because I have two network thingys installed, the old one and the new one. I thought it would obviously be a brilliant idea to disable (delete) the old one, which turned out to be the one I was using. So I messed it up even more. Then I tried to reinstall the new one and the pc just didn't recognise the connection atall. So I tried reinstalling the old one... nope. THEN the wonderous idea of restoring my pc to 6.20pm. So I did that, the internet still didn't work. I finally decided to unplug and replug in the internet hub. Still no luck. Only this time Tom's internet ws down (making him get VERY angry) Then I tried to restore the settings to yesterday... Windows was 'shutting down' for 20 minutes, so i did an unexpected reboot. And yay it was still alive AND the internet was back! So it turns out nothing was wrong with it in the first place, it was just BT being silly. So if I had left it, the problem would have gone... oops After all of this time off the internet, the first thing I did when I returned was to check facebook! Surprise surprise, not much had happened! Although I did get a wonderful welcome back message :o) inclusive of YMCA ;o) uh... ooh! and on facebook I have a new comment in my honesty box, it says I'm pretty :O :D So I'm trying to work out who it was from... excitement! That's my story of today. Now I'm going to try and find the rest of Harry potter.
Ooh ooh ooh! I'm going to Eastgate tomorrow!! Woo, I'm really excited, so I should probably be in bed seeing as I have to get up early. It'll be very bizarre being in Aber on my own though, I miss flat J!! So there we go... That's all of my wonder of today. Hope your day has been swell!
Hello I went to see beauty and the Beast yesterday!! Holy cod it was wonderfull!! Best show I've seen :oD It was so swish and it was just all so well done.
So yes, beauty and the beast was wonderous. Oooh but guess how much we had to pay for parking?! £9.60!! Crazyness.org.
Today has been rather lazy. I've been pottering around the house and cleaning, we have viewers at 5.oopm today, so the house is looking rather wonderous again :o) Although everything in my room is just hidden hehe. Hopefully these people will want the house. I'm getting bored of these people nosing around our house :o)
For the rest of the day I'm going to fill out application forms and post them off, and if I have time pop to McDs which I've been meaning to do for ages. I need money, therefore I need a job!! Ooh and I'm making burrito's for dinner too (according to the jane margretti spaghetti). But yay for burritos! YUM!
That would be my exciting day today, tonight i'm going to.... i don't know. Maybe watch a movie and sleep as I have work in the morning boo. But Saturday - payday! Yay!
Right I'm going away now to fill in some application forms before the JM gets home.
Bore da! How is everyone today? I just ate a McDonald's brecwast! But now I feel very full and a bit fat eep! hehe. I've not got much news, I went to work yesterday, which was boring. But yay for money. Today I'm going to go to see Beauty and the Beast in Cardiff today!! Wooooo Excitement, except for me having to drive to Cardiff, eep!! Right, I'm going to go and have a bath and get ready. Wooooo Bye bye x
Hello I've returned!! Aren't you overjoyed? hehe. My internet is finally fixed! I messaged the good old guys in novatech yesterday and they sent me the drivers for my pc on disk. I installed them and voila internet! (ok so it wasn't as easy as that) My only problem now is that it would only install on ethernet! This is bad because we have 2 ethernet ports on our homehub, but 3 computers requiring the ports! aaah chaos! So there shall be some arguments later when Tom returns from work to find that he has no internet, and I'll have to switch over the wires and be internetless again! Bums. BUT I'm trying to find out if I can obtain some sort of adapter that will take one of the the ethernet ports and turn it into 2 ethernet ports! So if anyone knows if these exist and where I can obtain one from PLEASE let me know and I will love love you forever! I have bought a USB-ethernet adapter though, which could work- my plan is to plug it into the usb slot in the homehub and plug in my ethernet cable into that and hopefully everyone shall be happy as we will all have the internet! And yes my family do all rely on the internet far too much! hehe. Rwyt te, I'm running away now as I have to take the woofs out for a walk. I'm going to tire them out by making them walk up a couple of mountains mwahahaaa!! SO yeah, bye bye x
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Just a quick messagey thing to say hello! I have been away as I had my pc reformatted and lost the installation disk for the internet. So I'm using the brawd's internet for now. But alas! While I rearranged my room I found the disc! Wooo. . . ps, my room is now fantabulous. It look more roomy as I've gotten rid of some of my furniture. But I have got a bed!! A bed!! Wooo! I can't wait to go to sleep tonight, I'm so excited hehe. Oh, and I'm going to le mumbles in a bit with Tom and Sean. Apparently, in exchange for taking them etc, I get to have a cookie crunch sundae!! MmmmmmYUM! So hello. Hopfully I shall be back in business with the internet later, i need some passwords to register, which apparently are in my mother's email account. So voila! I shall exist! yay! Ok, so that's just about all of the rambling I have time for, as I have to dash now to go and pick up sean from neath station in 10 minutes. lalala Hope you are all having a wonderfull day Hannah :o) x
Ok so Salem is still partially bald, and it doesn't look like that problem is going to be seen to anytime soon.
Although Baxter is now fine, even if he has scared me to death the last couple of days and making me rather on edge.
I had my results back and I have on resit for stupid physics. There's a reason I'm not doing a physics degree. . . i don't like it, and i'm not any good at it!! Although the rest of my marks are quite bizarre, they're either 40's or in the 60's (you can tell which ones were the first few exams and which i actually have organised notes for!) But alas! I didn't fail biological coordination and design! I really though I would have! So thumbs up on that one. But at the moment, I'm not continuing my degree, which is a terrifying thought!! So there's a chance I could just be living in Aber next year and not in Uni!! But hopefully that won't be the case, I just have to magify some physics notes out of thin air and revise them. . . which may be hard to do as they decided to have their classes at 9am on a Thursday, so i didn't turn up very often. . . or at all. . . eek!! Ah well, learning from my mistakes I guess, C'est la vi!
So yeah, that's life at the moment, today has been a bit up and down, I got up at half 7 to find my results, and they weren't online, so went back to bed. Then at half 9 they were there, and I spent the first 30 minutes of my day going 'aaah! I've ruined my life I can't go back to uni next year! AAAhhh eerything is ruined etc etc' Then once I got over the initial stress of a resit, I think I calmed down a bit, and had to spend an afternoon cleaning the cafe in the auctions (woo extra pay) so that gave me time to clear my thoughts a bit. Oh and also, sausage caserole for tea, which makes me happy. And I have the worlds worst headache today, and have had all day, I'm getting very fed up with feeling like my head is a throbbing brick (strange description yes) So that's up until now...
Tonight, Andrew is coming over to look at my pc and try and reformat it for me, because i just haven't a clue and tom doesn't much either. I may then be going over Vixy's too, but I'm not sure, aah! Busy busy busy! Tomorrow I have work (oh joy), and straight from work have to go to my Dad's house (reluctantly) to go and see Sophie May, and wish her a happy birthday! Then in the evening I'm going out for the long awaited meal with the girls and the boys from school, who I haven't seen properly for aaaaages! That should be lots fun! Then Sunday, church with Leah I think. Not sure though as Rachel is down for Saturday night and Sunday, so yeah, and I'm cooking dinner on Sunday for everyone which could develop to be rather interesting. hehe. And that would be my weekend plans, next week i'm going to continue my hunt for a job and that would be about it. The end. Hope your day is going well. bye bye x
Also!! I have to go to work soon, and take a lot of crap off arrogant, schovenistic, verbally abusive men who definately do not deserve to have the ammount of money/ammount of nice cars that they have, and I have to do all that with a smile. Even when I do want to kick them in the nuts for making me feel horrible about myself. :o)
Salem has alopecia, and the mother says that she's not taking her to the vets, as she knows someone in work whose dog has thyroid gland problems and she spends £80 a month just for the hormone supplements, and apparently that's too much to spend on my baby!!
Baxter was unwell all last night, and still is this morning, blood in urine cannot be a good sign!
My results are out in 2 days, and I'm beginning to have a major freakout about them, as I know I didn't do as well as I could have.
There are no signs of me getting a good job!! - Although I have been hunting today, and applied for 2, and have an application form I need Jon to help me complete, as I have no refrences!! I also have 2 application forms on the way in the post. But aaah. . . all of them require some experience of which I have diddly squat!
No job, means no money, which then means no holiday/camping/break/weekend away, which mean unhappy hannah.
However job does mean, no time off, no time for a holiday/camping/break . . . possibly time for a weekend away.
As you can see, this all adds up to me being very stressed in need of a cuddle of anyone, and general aaaaaaargh!! I just want a job, so I can have money, so I can take Salem to the vets and she can have some liothyromine, and then I can go away for a few days and relax. Oh, and I would also like it to be Friday already, so I can go ah i see, i have 12000 resits, excellent... *winge* *groan* *etc*
I can't really remember what I've done in the past week. Although I'm sure it was exciting. I went to whetherspoons onFridaynight withTom and Andyas you can see :
There was posing:
Followed byccotkails. . . Followed by more posing. . .
As you can see it all got a little silly. . .
hehe, but it was rather fun :o)
SaturdayI had work which wasn't fun, I'm not sure what I did in the evening. Grr I hate that I can't remember, this is why I need to blog more!! Oo I remember!! I went for a walk with the dogs, it began pouring down, and we all got a bit wet. . . but it was fun.
Sunday I went to church with Leah, which was great, then came home had Sunday dinner etc :o)Yesterday I took the JM to work, then went shopping for ingredients for baklava!! I searched high and low for over an hour to try and find some rose water, and finally found some inSainsbury's .. . so now I love Sainsbury's!! wooo I then started to de-shell pistachio's and chop lots and lots and lots of nuts, which took a long time!I picked up the Tom from work, we went to Morriston's for more nuts!I came home. Made fajita's which were good, even if they did cause my tongue to dissolve!! Then . . . I madeBaklava!!Which is now in the fridge, photo's will follow :o)
Today I haven't done much. I got up, watched 'the little zoo that could' (best show ever;o) )I had a bath, and diagnosed my cat, as she's losing fur :o((I think she has feline aquired symmetrical alopecia) It's all quite sad.Now I'm blogging, it's all very exciting!!Ooh and I may be making Spanish eggs later, and seeing le wife as she has been away in France (tries not to becomegreenwith envy) So yeah, and I'm still dying to go away somewhere! Anywhere!!Anyone know of somewhere I can go that's inexpensive? Please let me know if you do :o)Oh speaking of money, I applied for jobs! 2! woo. . .and am going to go searching again on the job centre website :o)
Ok, so that's life up until now :o)Oh and i sawwicked!(downloaded a camera version) Obviously not nearly as good as on stage, but I won't be lucky enough to get the chance to see it properly, so that's the next best thing I guess :o)It was goooood!! really goood! Except when the guy with the camera wasn't paying attention so the camera kept slipping fruther and further down until you end up listening to wicked while having some guys knees staring you in the face. . hehe.
So plan for this week: Obtain a job! Find something to do to keep me occupied, as I'm sooo bored! If I find un job, i think i'm going to find somewhere to go, even if it's just camping in the middle of nowhere :o) But then again you can't really beat camping! hehe. So yeah, I've nothing more to say really :o) Bye bye